I am one of those “Type A” personalities that never had time to stop. I worked full time in upper management at a hospital, had two kids at home, was going through a divorce and still had to be the consummate professional as well as the super-mom. I did for a while. Then my body just gave out on me. I thought I was in excellent physical health (which may have been the reason I lasted so long before collapsing). My doctor friends could not fix me. My years in medicine didn’t seem to make a difference. My body just said “ENOUGH!!!”. I was very sick for a long time and had to resign my position and, as I felt at the time, my life as I knew it was over.
To make a loooong story short, I changed my thoughts, my attitudes, my direction, and my preconceived ideas and found what worked for me. I still have days where I have pain and struggle, but I am no longer bed-ridden and feel REALLY GOOD MOST OF THE TIME. I sometimes wonder why I went through what I went through but I have come to realize how much the experience taught me and now I use all I learned along the way (and continue to learn) to help those that face the same kind of struggles. My years as a trauma nurse, administrative nurse, business owner, counselor, coach, holistic care provider, personal development junkie and lifelong student of anything that moves people forward ALL play a part in my secret to pulling it all together.
Since becoming sick and subsequently recovering, I have been able to achieve 2 master’s degrees, 2 doctorate degrees, started a holistic health practice, gained several other various healthcare certifications, and taught college classes. Did I mention I am a “Type A” personality? I also have a great relationship with my husband of 23 years, kids, and grandchildren. I absolutely LOVE what I do and where I am in my life!