An extensive consultation, assessing your health from a holistic perspective, looking at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of you, will be performed, determining what is out of balance and what can be done to get them back in balance.
There are many forms of energy work. I have been educated and certified in multiple modalities and utilize my education and many years of experience using various forms of energy healing with my patients.
One of the tools I use to help individuals with their stress and any emotional and/or mental challenges they may have is the EVOX software. I am referring to our normal human emotions and the way we typically think and feel about things that bother us and cause stress for us and in us. I also use my Counseling tools and flower essences to help shift our way of thinking and feeling about things that cause us stress.
If you suffer from allergy symptoms or sensitivities, this is the program for you!!
If someone had told me just a few years ago that you could lose weight naturally, safely, and easily without exercising at all, let’s just say that I would be extremely skeptical. But that was before I tried a diet that has been around for over 50 years in Europe and has made a resurgence here in the US.
Ion Cleanse Foot Bath – This detoxes your body through your feet. Your feet have around 4000 pores which is how the toxins are released out of your body.
Pain can be a very challenging symptom to manage because it can affect one of any or all perspectives – physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. If only the physical is being addressed, it may not resolve the pain.